
First stop – Pierre South Dakota – but to get there it took four plane flights with each plane getting progressively smaller. thankfully I am a good flyer as the last plane was a little fourteen seater and we sat with the pilots! Huge winds blew up as we flew in and it was exciting to say the least trying to line up with the runway lights…the pilots earnt their round of applause once we were safely down..

 P1100076 I was met by the most perfect host and a long time blog and facebook friend Joan.

photo 1

along with her lovely husband and very spoilt but deservedly so rescue puppy.


Never before have been so ‘in lights’! Holly, the owner of The Quilt Locker in Pierre had outdone herself.photo 17



photo 38

water bottles


and a lovely welcome

We had a great Trunk show on the Friday night followed by a wonderful gathering all day on Saturday. It was so nice to revisit with friends who had attended a gathering at Brandon South Dakota two years before…photo 37

They were working on my new pattern Dalliance but we included a Colourque’d version for them also..

dalliancecoverpicP1100087 Thankyou so much Holly and Joan for organising the visit and making it so special for one and all.P1100096

Thankyou Joan for introducing me to Chocolate wine

photo 8   and Zesto….
























after just a short visit it was back onto this for the next instalment in my journey..

photo 4

hugs for today

