
things are getting very exciting now as the countdown begins. Tomorrow June 10th QuiltAid 09 will officially launch at Darling Harbour Quilt and craft show. There will be about five of the finished quilts there for you to see if you are visiting, they all look so good.

Header The website will be up and running and you can start the process of joining in. If you have already registered we will email you to let you know we have begun.

If you haven't registered and dont want to miss out you may wish to download a BOM form to join in or just start shopping from the site tomorrow.


This has been many months in the making, starting with the idea last October to use our skills and talents to make a difference to women less fortunate than us. Women who should not have to suffer how they do when we can enjoy the freedoms and luxuries of life in our countries. And so it was born…. QuiltAid, making a difference, one quilt at a time.

So how does it work?  well we had 12 of your favourite designers design a block. Then 12 of your favourite Aussie quilt stores made them up into a finished quilt they designed. You need to visit each of the 12 stores to buy your block kits and then choose one finishing kit to purchase. How will you choose? I am sure it will be a difficult choice – of course you could make two or more.

Now, a portion from the sale of every pattern will go to the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital. This was featured on an ABC  documentary last year in Australia and had me in tears. You can read more about it and the wonderful things they are doing here and here and a documentary here.


some of the finished quilts -











I’ll show you some more tomorrow! I really enjoyed designing my block for you, I hope you also like it – sorry about the intricate needleturn (of course you could fuse instead) but I was very happy with my finished result and the Sachet Pot Pourri range of fabrics from XLN and Marcus Bros was so nice to work with.



so from my holiday in South Australia, watch this space tomorrow as QuiltAid makes a difference

hugs to you all

