
Most things I make are made to be used but some are loved much more than others.

When I was doing my Needlecraft skills course my major work included a large quilt with nine trapunto’d embroidered blocks. I saw the most beautiful soft silk fabric I just had to have and made this matching cushion… It has been loved and cared for on our bed ever since – so about 16 years in fact! and this is what is left of it…


As you can see it had my favourite bullion roses on it (along with Colonial knots for the candlewicked edges)



And the ever delicate feather stitch I used so much.P1090421I just cannot bring myself to throw it out but I cannot really leave it on my bed like this….  maybe I’ll have to repurpose the centre part and forgo my well loved striped silk fabric – there really is nothing left of it..an I have never seen it again since.P1090419     do you have any well loved projects you just cannot discard?

hugs for today

