
Lots happened at home whilst I was away including the first mailout of the Secret Stitchers' business club with Country Hart.


I was so organised for a change that mine was first! and you should all have it by now. I don't think its too late to join up if you want to – you get little surprises every month from ten of Australia's most popular designers.. Here are some peeks of my project.

loveclose1 Every member received this exclusive pattern and fabrics to make this feelgood little wallhanging. It will be available as a pattern down the track from Country Hart  and others along with two more designs to match every feelgood mood! 


Its only weeks now until I travel over to Country Hart for A Weekend in Creative Company, as its my home state I am really looking forward to this one – two days of stitching, laughing, eating and chatting with blog and stitching friends. Hope to see some of you there.

hugs for today

