
no unfortunately not to London BUT I’ve been to Melbourne to visit all of my wonderful designer, supplier and shop owner friends… I went on a BIG boat….


Yes it was our annual Australian Quilt Market held each year in November where we show our new products, see lots of new fabrics and products, chat and meet with old and new friends.


Lori came along also for the  first time and although there were some minor (well actually quite major hiccups) had a lovely time meeting everyone she normally speaks with on the phone. For those that have asked, yes she is fine now and has some followup appointments to attend!

She took some snaps of the booth as I as always was too busy and forgot to take them..

Can you spot the new patterns? This was my Christmas Corner with our Times Gone by on the right.


MissM’s patch.. you can see them better here


My pretty corner plus Wattlebee Designs – Deb came down for her first visit to the show and it was great to finally meet her in person, and she was a great help when things went pear shaped there for awhile..


Chitter Chatter – i just love her appliqué quilts.


Can you see Jhoanna’s latest cutie? and there’s a new bag hidden there also..






We enjoyed a lovely night at the Homespun magazine’s 10th Birthday celebrations chatting and laughing with fellow designers, store owners and other wholesalers in the industry. Homespun have many bigger and better plans to come which was good news for all of us.

So now its back to finishing up pattern writing that I didn’t get done, getting them all on the website and blog and then maybe, just maybe thinking about Christmas.

Keep watch next week – Monday will see our last Stitching around the block instalment – then each day I will show you a new pattern released at market and we will have lots of giveaways – one each day with some bonuses as well – yes I have to get into the Christmas Spirit!

hugs for today

