
It seems that all I write about lately is how we can help others  - BUT I really believe that stitchers’ like us want to help others if we can –we are caring and sharing personalities. This morning I read this email:

I am gathering hearts for Christchurch. Not heart blocks in the quilting sense but `hanging' hearts.
Two heart shapes sewn together, stuffed or not, embellished, embroidered, CQ'd, quilted, plain or fancy, felt or fabric or anything goes. Add a loop at the top.
However many inches high that you care to make. For ease of postage, envelope size is a good measurement.
Also for ease of postage you can send them flat, leave an opening and add a note "Please stuff me" I have a couple of non sewers on stuffing.
You can choose to sign them on the back and add a message. It would be nice to have at least the area they come from.
This is just a small measure of something nice to give in this terrible time.
A heart is a symbol of caring and I know we all feel an overpowering desire to do something.
If you aren't in a position to donate a heart or two send a little bit of fabric. I have heart makers at the ready.
Or simply pass this on message with my address (please do that anyway).
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Evie Harris
523 Main North Road
Bay View
Napier 4104
New Zealand


Another Facebook imitative is the


They are a group of mums who are all crafty and many of them run their own small businesses and often have wondered how they can get together to help people in need.

They are running auctions for handmade goodies at Trade me

You can donate handmade goodies, spread the work or just bid to purchase some wonderful goodies.


hugs to you all as I hunt out some Little Love Note heart stitcheries, not yet finished to post over to Evie.

