
last weekend was our last rowing regatta for the year, big, and wet (yet again – you know how it works with camping and us!)  but exciting…. so for the grandma’s and grandad’s who read my blog, here are some pics… I’ll put a little stitching peek in for the rest of you!

a very excited group of 8 girls who met and rowed for the first time ever together and WON the U16 eights State All Schools champs. (+ one very excited Coxan and two very excited coaches!) oh and lots of excited parents….


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a stunning morning on the lake…. out for the Quad final…


yes they are in front but you cannot see the other crew to the left of the picture….. a good 2nd tho!







not much time for stitching ..but did get a spot of cutting done…


mmm flowers, flowers and more flowers….

hugs and well done to Molly and her crews…. a great finish to the season… but looking forward to a little rowing break now…

