
Our generous Stitchers Angel May Britt from Norway has asked me for a little assistance. So I have popped this mystery link below for her. BUT first you have to go see May Britt and see what she has for you and to say hi and thanks to a special stitching friend..

Download Maybritts Christmas stitchery

whilst on the subject of angels I have had so many offers of people to help out our fallen angels.... I have exhausted all avenues for missing angels now so am going to list those who have still missed out below. Everyone who offered please feel free to make contact with one or more of these slightly sad girls, make a new friend and perhaps send a belated gift


Maria Harrits

Angeline van Wijlen

Cara Bonner - now has a new angel

Jutta Limbach - posted, yay its finally there

Kate Webster

Kris Meares

Lesley Mehmen - taken - Lesley has a new angel

Michelle McConachie

Nicole Rennier - sent but not arrived still

Peggy McCall

Robyn Johnson - has been sent but not yet arrived

Sáfránné Lányi Mária - now has a new angel

Val Dickinson 

hugs, Helen
