
in all my years of travel both in the Army, personally and teaching I have never been to the state of Western Australia! how terrible is that? and everyone tells me just how lovely it is…well this is soon to change. On Friday at the break of dawn I hit the skies yet again to come and play with you in the West!


Jeanmarie and Kim from Country Patchwork Cottage in Balcatta have invited me to share Colourque among other things with all the West Aussie girls – and I am very excited…. lots to do before then so this is a quick post…

If any of you read this and can bring the ‘secret item’ with you to class then there will be a surprise for you..

secondly, if you bring some show n tell of anything Hugs ‘n Kisses you have made you will go in the draw for another prize from me – now I’d better get the surprises into my case before I forget!


oh, the secret item is:

West Australian made chocolate!


hope to see you there so we can all share,

hugs Helen
