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Toolbox Trumpery

From $24.50

To $65.45

A very pretty and over the top toolbox for your tools of trade.


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    Availability:In stock
    SKU HNK195/22

    A very pretty and over the top toolbox for your tools of trade.

    Includes ¾” hexies and floral stitchery methods.

    Iron on Transfer & EPP Iron-ons included



    Pattern only - includes 120 x 3/4" epp iron-on hexie papers

    Fabric Kit - includes all fabric, cosmo threads, zipper, stabiliser, pellon to complete the project in same or similar (style and colours) to original 

    Pattern and fabric kit


    A Bonus step by step tutorial to assist making the pouch can be found here.

    More Information
    More Information
    Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
    Brand Hugs 'n Kisses
    360 Degree Thumbnail /t/o/toolbox-trumperyemb-close.png
    3D Thumbnail /t/o/toolbox-trumperyemb-close.png

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