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Sunshine & Lollipops BOM 2024

From $4.50

To $750.00

Orders for the Homespun 2024 BOM project Sunshine and Lollipops are available for PRE-ORDER now. Note: your order will not be shipped until all parts are instore and available. 

Quarter Inch is selling all available options for this program.

The patterns can be found in the Australian Homespun magazines - 6 issues - over the duration of 2024. The first issue releases in February.


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    Availability:In stock
    SKU EPP145R

    Introducing the Homespun Block of the month 2024.

    This project was designed by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched using the Tilda Jubilee collection distributed by Two Green Zebras

    The first instalment (pattern instructions) will be released in the February 2024 issue of Australian Homespun magazine.

    The finished quilt measures 183cm x 183cm (72 inches x 72 inches).

     The pattern will be broken down into 6 parts, with at least 2 applique blocks per month, along with some machine piecing, stitchery blocks and *EPP to complete that part of the quilt. The final month will include the border instructions.


    We are proud to have collaborated with Anni, Universal magazines and 2GZ to bring you exclusive custom laser cut template options for this project.

    The quilt includes extensive turned edge applique designs plus stitchery designs along with machine pieced joiner blocks. Many of the designs are circular and or appliqued once stitched as circles.  There are geometric shapes such as triangles which are also appliqued onto the blocks and border.  (*sort of an EPP method - but really they are appliqued.)

    The circular stitchery designs are available as a printed linen panel.


    We have a limited number of full fabric kits available in the original fabrics used in the magazine. 

    Includes:  28 fat Quarters Tilda Jubilee collection

    3m white linen blend background fabric

    2m x 108" wide Jubilee backing fabric

    Linen stitchery panel with pre-printed small circle stitchery designs


    Also available separately:

    Linen stitchery panel with pre-printed small circle stitchery designs



    Cosmo stranded cottons are used in this project. 2 skeins 369 brown.
    1 skein each 894 charcoal, 372 aqua, 772 mustard, 2037 putty, 2317 green, 105 pink, 855 raspberry, 374 dark teal.


    We have worked with Anni to offer three template options for this project.

    A custom applique paper template pack.

    This includes one of each applique shape precision cut from our HNK applique paper - iron-on/leave in paper that makes for perfect and achievable results. No tracing, no cutting, no template plastic, no needleturning edges to a marked line. The simplest way to applique.  Some of these applique shapes are quite small or thin and tricky so beginners especially will gain great assistance with a precision cut template pack.  It does not include the circles and triangles required which are in the EPP set only.

    For assistance in using these papers we have many tutorials and videos - Helen will also happily demonstrate during 2024 on her Live@7with Helen shows Thursday nights on Facebook and Youtube for those needing assistance with this technique.

    A custom applique paper EPP pack

    This pack includes all of the triangles and circles used in the full project. It includes circles to use behind completed stitcheries also making it simpler to perfectly turn the edges to achieve smooth circles to then applique onto the blocks by hand or machine. The only way to make perfect circles we think!

    Note: we have called it the EPP pack but the method is not really EPP - as the covered template shapes are not stitched together like EPP - just appliqued onto the backgrounds individually.

    Acrylic templates are not included as they are not required - The papers fuse onto the fabrics and the fabric can just be cut out with scissors or rotary cutter.

    This pack includes:

    1" circles x 42
    2" circles x 5
    2.25" circles  x 5
    3" circles  x 9
    5" circles x 4
    7.5" circles x 3
    3.25" large border triangles x 72
    19 small  isosceles triangles

    Circle template pack

    Anni has included instructions in the magazine to gather the circles around Mylar templates.  As we have available the iron-on/leave in circle templates which we believe are a much easier way to do them perfectly the Plastic circles are not required if you are using the iron-ons. However we have them available for those who prefer this method.

    Each pack will include high heat resistant (up to 150 degrees) white template plastic circles in the following sizes:


    The material used is heat resistant up to a temperature of approx 150 degrees. (medium on your iron) - so you can also use the starch and press method with these templates or you can press your gathering circle fabrics over the circle to set before removing the templates.




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