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Quarter Inch Alliance


From $100.00

To $389.00

This quilt was designed and made by our team at our shop, Quarter Inch. A journey through different EPP shapes which grew by rounds or borders in a medallion style. We have made ours with all the colourways of the Basically Hugs fabric line by Helen Stubbings for P&B textiles. These are tone on tone basic prints which read a colourway rather than a fabric design.

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    Availability:In stock
    SKU HNK169

    This quilt was designed and made by our team at our shop, Quarter Inch. A journey through different EPP shapes which grew by rounds or borders in a medallion style. We have made ours with all the colourways of the Basically Hugs fabric line by Helen Stubbings for P&B textiles. These are tone on tone basic prints which read a colourway rather than a fabric design. I suggest choosing colourways or a style or event just two colours and using them within each round. 


    I have ombred my background fabrics from light grey in the centre to darker around the outisde. We used Kona cotton fabrics and the colours have been supplied in the requirements list. However, a single background colour such as white would also look great. 


    Whatever you choose, just enjoy the ride and watch as your masterpiece grows as does your stable of EPP Shapes. I have included our pre-cut EPP Iron-on papers with this pattern. They are the only way we do EPP now, as the iron on leave in feature make this process the most enjoyable it could possibly be. You, of course, could choose to use your own preferred method.


    Please share your work - we love to see other's versions.


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    Our pattern includes all EPP Iron ons

    The Fabric kit includes all coloured EPP fabrics and all Kona Cotton background fabrics. (similar style and quality if not original)



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    length 12
    width 8
    height 5

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